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Is Justification by "Faith Alone" a Biblical principle as Protestants claim? If not, from where did this claim originate?
Is "salvation" an unmerited gift by which God "predestined" His elect as Protestants' claim? Or, is salvation an unmerited gift which man must cooperate with so that salvation is understood as a "collaborative effort" between God and man as Catholics claim? And if it is a collaborative effort, is the Catholic Church necessary for salvation, and what obligations do we have to the "Sacraments" of the Church?
What are "Predestination" and "Predetermination"? Is there a difference between the two that Protestants fail to see? And if so, does the Protestant concept of salvation turn God into a tyrant?
Is "justification" a "one-time-event", or can man "lose his justification by sinning" and therefore lose his salvation?
Protestants' maintain an exchange takes place when we are saved, that our sins are imputed to Jesus Christ on Calvary and His righteousness is imputed to us when we have faith in Him. But, does this take place with or without the free will of man, and what difference does it make?
Protestants' also insist the Sacraments are nothing more than a series of "good works" which cannot justify anyone, and that they are the inventions and doctrine of men that the Apostle Paul warned us about. But, what if "works" can justify men just as much as "faith" does? Would that make both "faith" and "works" necessary for justification and therefore salvation?
And do Protestants' try to find wiggle room around the Apostle James who forcefully refutes Protestantism leaving them dead in their tracks by telling us that "Faith without WORKS is DEAD?
Questions like these, and many more, must be resolved, and this book does it! One can imagine this trial will be intense at times, but it's hard hitting without being complicated. And for anyone who wants to understand their faith in these days, it's necessary to understand the dramatic differences and eternal consequences between Catholicism and the world of Protestantism.
If "justification by "Faith Alone" does not survive this trial, Protestants will have to face many things they did not want to face. And if they are unwilling to do so, they will face what the Catholic Church said at the Council of Trent when it said:
"If anyone says that the sacraments of the New Law are not necessary for salvation but are superfluous, and that without them, or without the desire of them, men obtain from God through "Faith Alone" the grace of justification, though all are not necessary for each one, let him be anathema." (Cf. Session. 6, Ch. 7, canon 9)
As you read this book you will find yourself living vicariously through someone in the courtroom. At times you may see yourself on the witness stand and at other times you may see yourself as one of the attorneys or one of the jurors, but one way or the other your religious convictions will be indelibly affected by the facts that will be presented in this trial.
ALSO! A Multitude of Intercessors Want to Help in the Pro-Life Cause to end Abortion. Who are they and how do we obtain their help? Click HERE
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